Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Growing”
Aquaponics and growing update, late summer.
Hi all, been a while since I’ve posted anything, I’ve recently picked up myself a new camera. Got a pre-owned Canon EOS 700D, its been a while since I’ve had an SLR but I quite fancy another go.
So, having a play I thought I’d do a little video showing the greenhouse and aquaponics. 2nd proper year of the aquaponics in its current location, its doing well.
Sensoring Aquaponics
As part of my interest in aquaponics I’ve always intended to enable some kind of electronic monitoring, various thoughts on what to monitor and how have been in my head for a while. Recently I’ve been wondering if the temperature levels of the water are high enough so this was as good a place as any to start.
An Arduino was my obvious choice to start with, I built various circuits but soon decided that I wouldn’t be running Ethernet anywhere near and that kind of ruled it out with regards to re-using existing kit.
Aquaponics update
Thought I’d post a quick progress report on the aquaponics setup as the build pretty much complete and the growing has commenced. I left the last post where I had a lovely clean tank and had just introduced 20 goldfish. About a week later I introduced a further 20 and I’m happy to say that around 3 weeks on the fish are thriving, initially they seemed to cower in a corner but are making full use of the space.
My foray into aquaponics
A few weeks ago, a friend of mine and I were sharing YouTube videos around water harvesting, hydro electricity generation and the like. As the usual YouTube journey does, I ended up going off on a tangent and watching a video on aquaponics. I found it really fascinating so started looking deeper and deeper, and finally decided to give it a go. I’d always planned on getting a greenhouse for our new garden and a couple of planter boxes and growing veg but this looked great.